Welcome to AK Techo World , the world of technology. Today we will talk about future electrical wiring. Yes, the future wiring. Today we discuss conductive paint, a paint that is used for making circuits. Today, we discuss what is conductive paint, how it works, and the making process of this amazing paint. Conductive paint or conductive ink is painting with electricity. This means it conducts electricity. It contains some conductive elements like silver, copper, nickel and some other forms of carbons in the form of liquid. How It Works As we tell you that it is a solution, in which some conductive elements are present. The working process is very simple. It is applied to most non-conductive materials with the help of a brush or any other things like a stencil. A circuit board is utilised with electric paint, which can subsequently be connected to a computer or a switch. The device uses the paint as a sensor. Bare Conductive has sold over 200,000 goods since its inception in 2009, and
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